Samstag, 16. Februar 2013

Nicaragua a country with the Pacific and Caribbean side

Hello Chicas y Chicos
I'm back with some infos, comments and of course pics from Nicaragua.
I didn't know a lot of this country before. The most of the travellers skip pretty much this place.
I thought the same before.
Very soon i changed my meaning and spendet over 6 weeks in this country
Here some pics:

Isla Ometepe:
This island in the south of Nicaragua has two Volcans on it.
One is active and the other has water and a place to swim on it.

In the north part of Nicaragua is Esteli and the Nationalparc Miraflores.
This cloudforest was very nice and a good place to stay after the hot temperatures in Leon and Grenada.

Rodeo live in a Arena

Pacific Coast of Nica:
The Pacific coast of Nicaragua is a good place to stay, to surf and to see amazing sunsets.
The most common place is San Juan del Sur.
A better, quieter place is Playa Popollo more north.

This fotos was taken when i was the last day 31 years old.
It was in Playa popollo and we had a good fiesta in one of the beach bars.

Tarantula is the bathroom:
This nice Spider was is the Bathroom in the Hotel in Masaya.
First i was a little bit scared but later i saved the life of this spider and took it out to the fresh air.

Corn Island:
Nicaragua has also places on the Caribbean side. There is a Island called Corn Island.
The way was long but it was a adventure.
First 7 hours in a Bus from Managua then a 2 hours Boatride and finally a 20 min Plane flight to Big Corn Isaland.

Cañon de Somoto:
Close to the Honduras boarder is a place called Cañon de Somoto.
This place is spectacular.
It is possible to Hike, take a boat, swim and go with some tires.

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