Samstag, 16. Februar 2013

Honduras and Guatemala

Now i write about two countries. Honduras and Guatemala.
From the beginning of this journey i knew that i want to go for diving.
After the time in Nicaragua was the time to go to the caribbean side of Honduras. Roatan, one of the Bay Island was recommendet from other people which i met on the way up.

Roatan, Honduras:
After almost two days travel up to the caribbean side was clear, no more travel for the next few days.
So we arrived late o the Isaland and went with a taxi to the nice West bay beach in west end.
After a few Piña Colada we had the idea to camp on the beach.
We asked the owner and got the green light to camp here.
All arround were the expensive hotels with 4 and 5 Stars Ratings.
My tent did the job well and the first view was almost unreal with the blue water from the caribbean water.
Here i did the PÂDI Adveced Dive Course in one of the best Reefs i have been before.

 This foto was taken from the hotel direct on the West End beach. It was the 24.12.2012 which means chrismas day.
 Marry Chrismas with a few bottles of wine and a few beer for the thirsty summerday in the Caribbean sea

 Sexy on a Stand up Paddle (-;
Antigua, Guatemala:
The Yourney with Beberli keept on to Guatemala.
After almost a week in Honduras we came up to Guatemala.
Perfect on time for to celebrate the amazing year from 2012 and start the 2013.
Alice, a friend of Beberli has a Bar in Antigua so we went there and had a good time.
 Some girls enjoing the Icecream in Antigua

 Lago Atitlan:
This lake is for many people the nicest lake in the world.
I can't confirm that but i know it is a very nice spot in central america. This lake is sourroundet with Volcans and other mountains.

Semuc Champey:
This place is on the middle of the junlge in Guata.
The river formed in the last thousands or millions year this freshwater pool.
It has a lot of waterfalls and pools to swim

 The water is perfectly cristall clear

Rio Dulce:
This place has also a river with the same name. It is locatet in the west part of Guatamala.
On a Lancha (Boat) we saw the castle of San Felipe and followed the river until a hotel resort.
The place has the Name Hotelio Perdido which means the lost hotel.

Hotel Perdido:
The nice place has no electrecity and is sourroundet with water and cloudforests.

 Flores, Guatemala:
This place is locatet in the north of Guata.
The town is sourroundet with the lage Peten Itza.
This lake looks like a place in the caribbean side. It is really a lake with freshwater.
Flores is the town witch is close to the Maya ruins of Tikal.
Tikal in the name of the biggest Maya Town and it is locatet in Guatemala. The ruins are in the middle of the jungle. Of course there are many species from animales.
Here we have a nice Tarantula (-;

Tikal in the middle of the jungle

Xela, Guatemala:
This town is also called Quetzaltenango.
I came here because it is in the highland from Guatemala.
I missed the Andes in Soutamerica and needet to do other treks in the mountains or on volcanos.
This pics is a typical situation on the daylife in Guata.
A guy clean the shous of another guy. This kind of service is very common.
Volcan Santa Maria:
Buenos dias Xela, would be here the title of this foto. The Volcan Santa Maria is just locatet in the front of the city. The altitude is with 3772m. over sealevel.
i camped there and saw a amaziong sunrise. the temperature was just very cold...brrrrrr

Volcan Tajumulco:
This Volcan is the highest point in central america.
With 4220m over sealevel is it the roof of central america.
I did this volcan very close after the Santa Maria Trek.