Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012

Brasil II and Bolivia I

Hola Amigas Amigos and the rest

I deciedet after Ilha Grande to Visit the Town of Paraty. After a couple of hours with the local bus i arrived with Rain in Paraty. I usually travel with the local transport verhicules. So can see how the people life and how they travel. Its always interssting. Paraty has a nice Town with many different colours on the Doors and windows. I spendet arround three days in Paraty and went to some Beaches and on a Kayak Trip.
After this i arrived in Sao Paulo, a city with a population 20 millions.
This city is just huge. I travelled the first day with the subway so i couldent see how big the city is. On the second day i went to the "Emperi state building" from Sao Paulo. The view from over 100 meters was incredible. Just buildings and buildings and buildings...
The next Night was another Busride on the program. After 3.5 hours were we out of the town and the next day we arrived in Foz do iguazu.
The name of the town speaks for them self. The incredible IguazuWaterfalls were just in front of my eyes. I could hear and smell how the over 200 Falls the distance from 80 Meter are falling down.
Just a highlight of this journey (-;
Now i deciedet to visit the Pantanal in Brasil. This is a nationalparc with heaps of animals flora and fauna. First i visited the small town Bonito. This place is famous for the clear water and the big fishes witch were very close. ( See foto..)
The Pantanal Tour was opperated from the "Santa clara  Tour". It was a good experience.
we saw lots of animals: Caymans, Anaconda, Monkeys, Small Ant Bear, Pirañas, Tarantulas and lots of capybaras.
After the time in Brasil i went to Bolivia. New country new cultur new places. The life here is different comprar to Argentina, Chile and Brasil.
The womans wear the cultur traditonal dress, the buses are overfueld and late, the life is comprar to the other countrys cheap and the landscape is nice.
The first city was Santa Cruz and not that special. the second was Samaipata and is recomendet to visit. This small village three hours from Santa Cruz is a good place to chill out and go for some hikes.
The next city was Sucre. This place looks white. the Buildings, the streets and the cathedrals. All looks very clean as well (for Bolivia...)
After two days a saw the city and diceidet to visit the highest city of the world. The Name is Potosi. A city in the high andes from Bolivia. Arround 4050 Meter over Sea. The clima was different. The most of the people just come over here for to visit the Mines. The town has a nice center.
The food in Bolivia is still very good.
Last night i took a train to Tupiza and misst this station. So i woke up three hours later on the boarder to Argentina. That was not the idea so i took another bus retour to Tupiza.
Now i am here and tomorrow i will start a Trekking for a couple of days....
The colourness Town of Paraty in Brasil

The Kayaktrip on a rainy day

The gorgous Beaches form the south Brasil

This Beach here is Paraty

 Sao Paolo / Skyline

 Helicopter landing place in top of a building
Ituapi Dam in Foz do Iguazu

Iguazu Waterfalls / Just amazing... (-;

The animals in Iguazu

Bonito Brasil / The clear visibility

Bonito Visiting the Taboa Cachaca factory...

Pantanal Brasil / Cayman (small Aligator)



The Refugio Zological in Samaipata Bolivia

Funny Monkey

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