Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012

Bolivia II

This fotos shows the typical Natur of Bolivia. Is has many waterfalls and rivers. At the moments ist winter here and the watertemperatur not that warm. But here i have to swimm no matter when..
This place is Samaipata three hours south of Santa Cruz

 I spendet many nights and hours in the busrides in Southamerica. The rides in Argentina, Chile and Brasil were very good. And now i made the experience in Bolivia. It was very special. the People from here dont pay for the their children. That means there are too many people in the bus. In this busride from Samaipata to Sucre sleept the children in the floor of the bus. No space available. Toilets are byetheway not in the bus. the bus stops all 5-8 Hours once...
 This city is Sucre. The place is famous for the many white buildings.
It is a good place for to stay for a couple of days.
 In Bolivia excists no Supermarket. Here is still  the small business at the front. The fruits and vegtables buy the people in the market and the rest in a small store like this here. It is very familiar here. There is not only one store like this. there are many and the most of them sell the same stuff.

 This is a picture friom a market in Bolivia. All day is it possible to get fresh food fomr here. Here are many special fruits. It is possible to try first.
 Potosi is the highest City in the world. with over 4000 Meter. The air is thin and the temperatur in the night very cold. This local restaurant is in the town.
 Potosi was for a long time the richest city in the world. The had lots of mine industrie. Today is still a mine in here and in the city is it possible to buy Dynamite, Alcohol and Coca leafs.
The work is verz hard and the people work in this mine up to 24 hours. After this time they can go out for one day. The temperature is arround 40 degrees.

 The City looks nice. they has a Place in the center and manz good looking churches and cathedrales.

 Tupica, a town in the southpart of Bolivia. The landscape is like this foto here- Lots of canyons and red, grey rocks sourroundet with cactus.
This here is Canyon del Duende.
The place lookes so good so i decidet to go for a trekking. I met on the busride to Tupiza Adam and so we went together to this trekking. To find informations, maps an stuff was very difficult. They said it is inpossible...
but we found a way and spendet three days and two nights in the canyons of Tupiza. Navigation was a compass.

 Back in Tupiza was time to make a new plan, desition where to go next.
From here is it possible to go to a excursion to the Salar de Uyuni.
I booked this tour for three nigts and four days and it was just amazing.
The landscape in this part of Bolivia is incredible.
Canyons, Rivers, Desert, Volcanos, Lamas, Flamingos, Lakes, Lagunes, Hot Spring, greyzers and of course lot of Sal.
The group was with fout persons very small an comfortable to travel. The hole tour was 1200  km long....
It was necessay to travel with a four wheel car-

 A Car wash in a River.
 Tarija, the town where i write this blog. Tomorrow is time for a new trekking for a couple of days--