Donnerstag, 20. September 2012

Peru perfect for Trekking

Tschou zaeme
Since almost seven weeks is the time here in Peru gone. This country is perfect for outdoor activities. Specially for trekking. I did sereval trekks between one and twelve days.

 Cusco, Salinas de armas
Ausengate cirquit:
I met a couple of french people in cusco and did the trek with them. The trek is 6 days long and makes a cirquit arround the the Mountain Ausangate.
This trek was one of the best here in Southamerica. The landscape, the locals and the flora and fauna is increible.
 On many parts of this trek was a vew like this....

 We slept the hole time in the tents. During the days is arround 15 degrees and in in the night arround -5 degrees.
The campspots were pretty (-;

 The morays close to cusco

 The Ausengate Cirquit Crew 2012.
 We found a hotspring after five days. The watertempertur was pretty hot. so we stayd four hours in the afternoon and two hours in the night in the pool.

Volcano El Misti, Arequipa:
After a breakfast in Arequipa i went to the roofterrace and looked arround. I saw the volcan El Misti in front of the city and decidet to climb this volcan.
The only equipment witch i needed was crampons. The last part is on ice so i needet them to walk.
It was difficult to rent equipment like this. They always tried to sell the tours with other peoples.
I wantet to do this by my own. After a couple of hours searching i found a agency witch rentet this crampons.
After these i used the puplic transport for a half a hours and startet to walk. I reached the basecamp after 6 hours walking on arround 4800 meter.
In the night @ 2:30am i startet to walk to the summit.
 Sunset over Arequipa from the view from the basecamp El Misti
 Good Morning Arequipa (-;
 The last part on ice..

 After a couple of hours i reached the summit on 5822 meter (-;
Its just a good feeling to look down
 The volcan is still activ. so it is possible to see the smog in the volcan
 Colca Canyon:
I heard a lot from these canyon. So i wantet to see it as well.
Like all the other trekks i dicidet to go by myself. No agency, no tour.
The public transport left at one in the night. After five hours drive we arrived by the cruz del condor.
I watched for hours the condors from here. They have the nests very close. So it was possible to see them from different spots.

 It is just a amazing huge bird (-;

 Huacachina Ica, Peru:
This is a real Oasis sourroundet with sandhills.
 We walked up to the hills and boardet down..
 The little town of huacachina

 A adrenalin trip was to go to these sandboarding - Buggy Tour trip.

 The second day was the time to drive with a small buggy in the sanddunes. It was very fun

 Lima, a city direct on the pacific coast.

 Some friends from Huaraz, Peru
This is the climbing wall in the hostel monkeywasi in Huaraz.

 Time for cleaning the roof.
 Huayhuash Cirquit 2012:
This trek is arround 12 days long. All days a pass between 4200 and 5000 meter and walkingtime beteween 5 and 8 hours.
We became a group with five people.

 This is the equipment for the trek. Over 60kg of food, a citchen tent and a cooking stove. We ordered a arriero as well. Unfortunately he was pissed because a party in another town.
So we needet to look for another donkeyman.
For the same days was this not possible. We decidet to leave for the first two days without an arriero.
We met him for the second night on the trek.
 We had two chickens as well. Joe and Simon joined the crew for the first couple of days.
Afterward was this the dinner.... (sorry veggies)
A few time was time for a douche or swim in one of the glacierwater rivers.
It was cold but nice (-;

 The landscape in this place of the planet is just amazing and increible (-;

 The hikes are pretty steep. Specially with the heavy backpacks for the first two days.
 Clare, Pepe, Melissa, Chris and my are the Huayhuash crew 2012
 Hard work for the donkey and the two horses.

 Nice campspot on the trek

 On halftime was the time for a hotspring swim.

 Joga class on sunset time
 View from one of the 5000 meter pass.

 This is brekfast in a cave. The pancakes were amazing (-;

 Flip the pancakes Clare

Cebiche, a typical menu in peru.