Samstag, 11. August 2012

Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu

Tschou zaeme,
After the time in the Jungle was time to leave in directions to Peru. 
There is one more area in Bolivia witch was very nice as well. The famous lake titicaca.
The town in Bolivia called Copacabana. It is locatet direct on the lake.

 On the 6th of august is in Bolivia independents day. That means in Bolivia one week fiestas, fireworks and processions. This here was on the Isla de Sol.
 Isla del Sol has a couple of nice beaches. The temperatur of the water is cold. Of course of almost 4000 Meter over Sealevel. For to chillout is the place good.
We took the ferry to the north part and walked down to the southpart of the island. This route passed a couple of interessing inca stuff.
 Sacrificial table on the isla del sol.
 A ruin from the incas with this view.

 In the southpart of the island is a viewpoint for to see the sunset and sunrise.
On one side was the sunrise (foto below) and on the other side was allmost fullmoon. this fotos had be taken on more or less on the same time.
 The sun rised up between this big mountains. It was a great view.

The first city in Peru is Puno. I wouldnt stop there only because the city. The have a other atraction. The islands in the lake Titicaca. I visistet the Island of the uros.
This people living on a island 5 km from the city away.They can stay up to 15 years on a island. After this time they need to buld a new one.
 It was quiete interessing how they live there.

 The tourguide on the left and the president of the island on the right explaned how it works with the islands.
 This is a foto with the president of the island, his wife and their house. Dressed in traditional clothes.
 The different Reed Boats from the uros. Usually they use the normal one like here.
 For special reasons they use this one.
Salkantey Trek to Machu Picchu (5 Days, 4 nights)
There are many ways how to visit the Machu Pichu.
I decidet to do the Salkantey Trek by my own. It ist possible to do this with a Agency but i didnt like to go with another tour.
So i went at 4 o Clock on a street and found a public transport to mollepata. From there startet the trek.
I had my backpack and food for arround 7 Days. The weight was arround 26 kg.

The scenery was incredible.
 This is my camping place on 3700 m. Locatet direct on the river and in front of the Mountain Salkantey.

 The second day went up to 4600 m to the pass. This part

 The second night was by a family on the way. I stayd in their ground and had the help from this girl.

 The thrid day followed this river. It had good swimming places on this route. I used them of course.
 The first three days was the walking time between 7 and 8 hours. The day four was only 3.5 hours until the town of aquas calientes.
 Machu Picchu:
I startet to walk @ five oClock in morning. i wantet to see the sunrise over Machu Pichu.
This place is gorgous. How they made this town in the 15th century.

 View from the Intipunku Viewpoint.
 This is the way to the montaña Machupicchu.

 This is a foto from the town in Machu Picchu.

Valle de la Luna and Bolivia III

Now its time to write over the last couple of weeks...
 I passed the andes with a bus from Argentina to Chile. Closer from Salta to San Pedro de Atacama. The busride was in another spectacular view. The ten hours ride felt like much shorter.
 This Passroad is on the way back to Chile. On this way are Salt deserts, lots if mountains, volcanos and Lagunes. On the top was snow as well.
 This is a typical foto of this part.
The Volcano Lincancabur is locatet in Bolivia. This foto was made from Chile in San Pedro de Atacama.

Valle de la Luna, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile:
The next few fotos were made in this region. It was possible to rent a bike to discover this parc. It is only a couple of kilometer out of the town. The landscape here is amazing as well. Of course it was very dry.

The colour on the sky changed in this special colours 20 minutes after sunset (-;
After Chile was time to go back to Bolivia. I took a bus from San Pedro to La Paz. This is a 20 hours busride. The first part until Arica was boring but the second part back over the andes to Bolivia is like this. Similar like the way from salta to chile. Lots of Volcans, Lagunes and stuff.

This is the Market in La Paz, Bolivia
You can find anything if you need it or not. This are fetus from the lamas. It should bring you luck.... (if you believe it...)
Clothes for the Dogs are available as well..
Cholita Wrestling in la Paz:
Every sunday afternoon is this showcontest.
It is a lot of fun when the traditional Cholita Woman start to fight. It is a must to see in la Paz.

Valle de la luna in Bolivia.
Bolivia has a Valle de la luna as well. It is not that spectacular like this from chile. It is much smaller but for people who dont visit Atacama is it all right.

Trekking to the Huayna Potosi, 6088m:
I startet after a couple of days acclimatisation to a two days trekking to this mountain.
It is the top of this foto abhove.

The Start was @ 03:00 AM in the mornig. I startet with my guide from the camp on 5200m over sea level. The temperature was -20 Grad Celsius..
We wanted to see the sunrise from the top.And we did it. It was amazing. The way was not that hard but you need to eat lots of Coca leaves and drink a lot. For once not alcoholic drinks.. (-;

This is the last part to the top. On the rights side a mall with goes down for a 500 Meters..

The view was great. The cordillera real is on the right side.
Thats me (-;
This was my hotel in Coroico. This is a small town three hours north of La Paz. It is a cool place for to stay a couple of days.

This Foto is on the way to Rurrenabaque in Bolivia. There are the pampas and the Amazonas of Bolivia. The busride took 16 hours from Coroico. This road is one of the most dangerous roads in Bolivia. It is the Wourld Dangerous Road alive. The street is very small and have no asphalt. on the right side goes it down for 300 meters.... My driver was making a rally. He overtook everything. I was happy when i arrived in Rurre. (-:

RurrenabaquePampas Tour (3 Days, 2 nights):
The pampas has a lot of wildlife to spot. the most of the time is with this boat. we drow the river up and down and saw many species.

One day we went with a manchete to a grasfield. We were looking for anacondas.
On the same day we hed luck. One Anaconda visitet our Resort. This snake is very nice paintet. I like it.
The wight of this snake was arround 15kg.

Good luck on the Piraña fishing. This was a part of the dinner..

In Rurrenabaque is also the jungle. I went on a survival Trek.
the only thing witch we had was this clouthes, a manchete and a moskito net.
We had to look for the food. It was very interessing what you can eat only in a Forest.
Lots of animals, plants, and fresh water from this liana.

This is a part of the tour. Eat what you find if you like it or not. But grilles tastet this stuff not that bad..

This was my bed. Only with palmleaves. Every was raining in the jungle.

The best way was in the rain like that. No or not many clouths a manchete and luck to find was we needet.
This was the house for me and my guide.
Huge Trees in the Jungle.
Sunset in Rurrenabaque
Backfly to La Paz with a plane. One way in the bus was enough...
The route form the Rainforest over the andes was a spectacular view.