Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

The north of Argentina

Hello to everybody (-;
This Part of the Blog shows and explains the south of Bolivia and the north of Argentina. The landscape is one time more just beautiful. The different colour and the interessing culture are only two reason why i like this region. In many town are the inka malls still in a good condition. The locals use this malls for to protect their animals like lamas, sheeps and cows.

 The malls are still very stabil. The wind here was during the night very strong. All of those rocks are not lose.
 I went on this Trekking with my trekking buddy Adam. Here is he on a inka trail down to the next town. It was difficult to trek in this area because we hadent no maps. So we had luck the we found the way out from this hills...

 Good Morning in a new day. View from the tent by sunrise. The night were freezing cold. The water was frozen as well in the morning. The different from day to the night temperatur is arround 20 degrees.
 The bridge in Tarija by night
 This foto was made in Tilcara, Argentina. the colour of the rocks and hills changed a lot. The colour change from red, gris, black, and green. On the top was sometimes snow to see.
Tilcara is a town witch is recomendet to visiting
 The pucara of Tilcara. This town is arround 900 years old.
 Pumamarca, Provinz of Jujuy, This Rock cold "cerro siete coloures" This place is in the middle of the quedrada de humahuaca.
 Salta, Argentina View from a viewpoint close to the city. Salta is nice city good locatet to the region of salta and salvador de jujuy.

 Cafayate, Quebrada de los conchas. This area was my favorit region. This street is arround 100 km long and the view is on many times like that.

 The street follows a river and on the left side are many canyons. They are in the winter season dry because there is no rain. I clima is because this very dry.

 I went to visit those places on a Trekking for a couple of days. These here was close to the place of "Ceramica"

 The animal is actually a dog. It looks like i dont know but it makes noise like a dog. strange...
 This Rock calles "Obelisco" It is locatet in the Quebrada de las conches.