Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Lago General Carrera and Peninsula Valdes

Hola amigos y amigas
I went with a bus along the Lago General Carrera in Chile. This Lake has got a verry special colour of blue. With the sun changed the colour very fast.
I travelled with a couple of days with a friend.
The helpful locals were very friendly. With Hitchhicking passed i nice regions.
In Coyhaique startet i the Hitchhicking-trip to the Atlantic coast in Argentina. (From Pacific to the Atlantic...)
The last three days were in the Nationalparc Penisula Valdes. I saw today 5 free Living Orcas (-;...
Coast line by the Lago General Carrera

Victor a nice local man

Hitchhicking in a Camion

Cavernas de Marmol in Rio Tranqilo

nice and

very inpressive

Seals Colonie in the Peninsula Valdes Parc

El tatú carreta

El tatú carreta

Sea Lion "What's going on?"

Pinguino de Magallanes

Orcas close to the beach

One amazing Orca live in the Ocean...