Sonntag, 25. März 2012

Torres del Paine

Wow, this place is awesome. i went for 7 Days in the park and did a trekking in the Park Torres del Paine. The nature is great and the wind is very strong...
Now i am in Punta Natales and leaving in a couple of hours north to the argeninia side.
Befor this trekking did i a couple of days by the cabo froward trip.

hasta luego...

Montag, 12. März 2012

Fin del mundo

Hola y bienvenidos al fin del mundo

I know the language here is Español but first i trie to write in English...
The end of the world is not in Argentina! It is in puerto williams. This smal town is on the otherside from the beagle canal and is a cute place for trekking. I really recommend this place for people everybody how loves the nature, quite and the flora and fauna.
i went after Ushuaia with a boat to puerto williams.On the same day startet i with my first trekking in the mountains. i went for three days on the "Isla navarino" Trekking. It was very nice.
Afterwards catched i a ferry for 29 hours to Punta arena. This journey passed a couple of awesomes glaciers and fyords in the southern patagonia region.
The first day was perfect weather and the second day was strong rain, storm and big waves.
This bad weather holdet the hole night on...
At 04:00 hrs woke mi the backpacker guy up ant explaind that the river overboardet and that we have to change the room...

Lots of experience and here some pics of that.. (-;
Isla Navarino Trekking Puerto Williams chile

Dienstag, 6. März 2012

Ushuaia meh als erwartet

Tschou zaeme
Wird ha wieder einsch e PC u Zyt fuer e Blog gfunde.
Ig bi sit e paar Taeg uf em Camping La Pista del Andino in Ushuaia am huse.
Es gfaut mer hie. Cooli luet e gaebigi Stadt u einigermasse guets waetter.
Es git viu zum mache. die meischta sache si aber gfuehrt u hei daementsprechend dr priis.
Argentinie het sini Priise i de letschte zweui Jahr fasch verdoppelt. )-:
hie no es paar Fotos:

Freitag, 2. März 2012

Buenos Aires riesig, vielseitig, speziell

Bienvenidos a todos So mittwerwile isch es Zyt für e chline Bricht abzgäh...
Mitterwile bini gueti vier Täg hie. Nach der länge Reis bini froh gsi ändlich a cho zsi.
Mit em Espanol harzets no chli, ha aber scho chli Fortschritte gmacht (-;
Die erschte Täg hani mit Stadtbesichtigunge u Quilmes trink verbracht. Do drbi si o die erschte paar Bilder entstande....
Am Sunntig geits de witer uf Ushuia, a die südlechschti Stadt vor Wäut.
Hast luego
Puerto Madero

Füürwehr heisst BOMBEROS

Dr Pool im Hotel in San Telmo

Die farbige Hüser vo BOCA

u es gmüetlechs Fiirabe Bierli mit Locals..

was es nid aues so git fingt me am Antiquitäte Markt von San Telmo